quietpeen's latest activity

  • quietpeen
    sorry, I never saw this post. I felt the level 1 seat was maybe a tad softer. Besides being heated the passenger seat is now powered...
  • quietpeen
    quietpeen replied to the thread 1st Post.
    The guys name is Josh, shoot him a text 270-312-8503
  • quietpeen
    quietpeen replied to the thread 1st Post.
    welcome and congrats on the TRX!!! There are IGLA stickers. He even offers them in a few different colors.
  • quietpeen
    post a video of the sound.
  • quietpeen
    quietpeen replied to the thread OEM Bed Lights.
    It’s been a while since I have done it but I don’t remember anything special or having trouble with that harness. Pry yellow tab then...
  • quietpeen
    quietpeen replied to the thread Gas cap light.
    sorry if that came off as I was shunning you away, not the case. Just that you will most likely get more answers on Ramforum
  • quietpeen
    quietpeen replied to the thread Gas cap light.
    This is a forum for the newer 5th gen TRX with the 6.2L Supercharged Hemi, but from what I remember on the 3rd gens is that the breather...