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  1. Plankton

    I can't work on my truck today, entertain me !

    I wonder what kinda oil they put in that thing. *ducks and covers*
  2. Plankton

    I can't work on my truck today, entertain me !

    Maybe some aftermarket bolt-ons
  3. Plankton

    How much can we "TRX" our current trucks

    Mr. Leadfoot here (me) gets about 14 in my 4th gen Rebel. 13.8 as of last check which was this morning, but I also use 93 octane, so that's another variable to throw in there somewhere.
  4. Plankton

    Let's see those PCs

    Buying a system with low end RAM and doing an aftermarket upgrade can save you some money. A few years back I grabbed a Dell G3 laptop that was on sale for around $700, but it had low end RAM (I think it was 8 gigs), so I upgraded it to 32 for about $150 and it's been a decent satellite...
  5. Plankton

    Let's see those PCs

  6. Plankton

    Let's see those PCs

    I've done a few, yes. I'm net very good at em though.
  7. Plankton

    The Person Below Me

    No cars, just a truck now and it's kinda zippy. TPBM is a little tea pot, short and stout.
  8. Plankton

    Let's see those PCs

    You mean PC's as in my Ryzen 2950x 16 core? Speccy specs: I do quite a bit of animation and graphics. Here's a small example:
  9. Plankton

    Nuremberging.....a TRX

    Good to see him using his indicators so everyone knows where he's turning. Oh, wait... thats showing which side he's gonna pass. D'oh!
  10. Plankton


    Nice ride FF! Good to see some more familiar faces.
  11. Plankton


    Ha! Thanks guys. My ride:
  12. Plankton

    Another FNG Post

    2017 Rebel here.
  13. Plankton

    Let's See Your Home Audio/Video System

    But, holy crap MADDOG. Thats a setup!
  14. Plankton

    Let's See Your Home Audio/Video System

    I used to be in a few bands, so I took all my old crap and put it to use. It goes to 12.
  15. Plankton


    I'm just here to drool over everyone's TRX. I brought some shop rags with me.