Recent content by TRX1

  1. T

    Dealers around me are holing steady on price

    We actually are the kings but sadly we are not unified. If none of us agree to pay what they ask for ,they WILL drop the prices. Dealers have a lot to lose than an individual. Just a thought.
  2. T

    Why is diesel fuel so high?

    It’s high cuz they need us to pay the $40 billions to Ukrain.I don’t think there is another legitimate reason. What do I know?
  3. T

    My status went from D1 back to D

    Am still on D status. Been told level 2 takes longer than level 1 or basic
  4. T

    My status went from D1 back to D

    I ordered late April 2022 and the dealer told me the wait will be between 6 and 8 let us see what happens but I do hope you get yours so soon.
  5. T

    TRX Speedometer Miles to KM/H

    I don t know how but I have seen someone on YouTube did yes you can switch from km/h To mph