Recent content by quietpeen

  1. quietpeen

    Seat and Center Console Upgrade

    sorry, I never saw this post. I felt the level 1 seat was maybe a tad softer. Besides being heated the passenger seat is now powered so that is another plus
  2. quietpeen

    1st Post

    The guys name is Josh, shoot him a text 270-312-8503
  3. quietpeen

    1st Post

    welcome and congrats on the TRX!!! There are IGLA stickers. He even offers them in a few different colors.
  4. quietpeen

    New please don’t incinerate me

    post a video of the sound.
  5. quietpeen

    OEM Bed Lights

    It’s been a while since I have done it but I don’t remember anything special or having trouble with that harness. Pry yellow tab then slide the red part out and the harness should come off.
  6. quietpeen

    Gas cap light

    sorry if that came off as I was shunning you away, not the case. Just that you will most likely get more answers on Ramforum
  7. quietpeen

    Gas cap light

    This is a forum for the newer 5th gen TRX with the 6.2L Supercharged Hemi, but from what I remember on the 3rd gens is that the breather tube on the filler neck can crack and cause this code. Check into that. Also go to and do a search on gas cap light or gas tank breather tube.
  8. quietpeen

    Let me ask the experts…

    and of course with what I said, that doesn’t mean all of them are treated like that. I’m willing to bet there are ones out there that were never beat on and still completely stock. I don’t think quality control of 22’s was an issue. 21’s had their fair share of things that was discovered...
  9. quietpeen

    Let me ask the experts…

    the biggest ugly on buying one of these trucks used is 1st the previous owner beat on it and didn’t do any upkeep. 2nd ugly is that it has been modified and the powertrain warranty is void. if neither of those are of concern to you the hellcat engine has a history since 2016 that can be...
  10. quietpeen

    1st post

    welcome, the clunk is the driveshaft. You can get if fixed temporarily under warranty but it is not a permanent fix. The issues with the radio are hit or miss and it’s just going to take them time to fix it all. The older version of the software UC4 was pretty stable but it did take them a...
  11. quietpeen

    Fuel Rebel 18x9 -12mm on Offset Ram TRX

    sorry I don’t know and never worried about weight. I don’t even have them anymore. I now have 20x10 fuel rebel wheels and tires and I didn’t feel a difference in pick-up or braking. That goes for the wheels in this thread and the current wheels vs. stock. However i’m sure the engine can...
  12. quietpeen

    Seat and Center Console Upgrade

    these seats coming from a level 1 TRX do not have the ventilated function so I could not activate that. Yes I was able to get the heated steering wheel and heated seats working(that is the good news). Bad news is that the wiring was not there. I had to make my own harness and pin them into...
  13. quietpeen

    Hello from Wisconsin

    i’m betting the Alaska cruise was nice
  14. quietpeen

    My vehicle and home away from home

    nice camper