No you can not own a 38 special that’s a bad nasty gun

I believe no hand gun can have less than a 4’’ barrel but they seem to change the firearm laws weekly in Canada. I gave up all my hand guns because all the bullshit wasn’t worth it. And if they do ban them outright which they will shortly if rumours are true They just want you to turn them in with no compensation?? Like w.t.f. I just don’t want to take that chance Also another reason is at any time law enforcement can knock on your door go in and check your storage of the fire arms no rights at all. And you read stories all the time about regular folks getting bullshit gun charges simply because they don’t want anyone to own firearms. Don’t like your neighbour Call the cops and say you saw him with a gun his life will be hell if he actually owns guns it’s that bad in Canada now. On average I deal with police 3-4 times a year just field hunting geese and they always say the same thing we got a call about gun shots and even tho they know it’s hunters they must go to the call