An electric motor has instant torque and its torque is not determined by rpms like a gasoline or diesel engine is. That was the draw up to 100 years ago when steam and electric were more popular. Steam fell out of favor because it was so mechanically intensive. Henry Fords wife had a Baker Electric for years as she preferred it to gasoline. Gasoline didn't start getting popular until Kettering designed the electric starting system in 1914 we still use today. By the mid 1920's, gasoline stations became very ubiquitous. Electric cars lost popularity for the same reason they aren't viable today. Lack of range.
About 3 weeks ago, I watched a special on a CAA rally. (Charge Across America) Several electric vehicles drove across the country with a maximum range of about 300 or so hours. It showed a LOT of issues and didn't touch on one major one. There was one car that ran out of charge and a truck with a HUGE diesel generator has to come and charge it. There were charge points that either wouldn't take payment, didn't fit the charge port or just didn't work. One place had 8 charge points. All were blocked by Teslas using them for free parking. This was supposed to show how good electric cars are but all it did was convince me that maybe hybrids are viable, electric isn't.
When I visit the kid, I drive straight through. Right at 700 miles. Fuel stops run about 20 minutes to fill, use the bathroom, get snacks and such. Maybe one long stop for dinner enroute.
Lastly, and the biggest killer for electric vehicles in my opinion is our power grid. We have good power where I live but Kalifonia has rolling brown outs at times. Texas had people actually die last year from a weak power supply grid. What's going to happen in Kalifonia when every body HAS to have an electric vehicle and get home from work and plug their cars in. The brownouts come from all the a/c units starting.
This is not dependent on politics. I don't care if you talk about "Sleepy Joe" or "Deadbeat Donald", neither one will be a factor by the time this all comes to fruition. This is about "talk", not "Do". Several years ago, 2017, the last year I have good statistics for, Europe had a 3% surplus over their normal electric power needs. The U.S. had a -13% of the power needed. Where is the power going to come from? Coal and gas has been used for years but it's considered dirty. Granted, it does pollute, but there is a cost for everything. Hydro power? You have to have a river for that. The same for tidal power. Geothermal? You have to have a high volcanic source like Yellow Stone. Nuclear? The Hippies will scream to high heaven even though it's fairly clean. The problem with it is the government over the last 50 years has never followed through on storage plants. Solar? It takes a LOT of room and doesn't work well on cloudy days or at all at night.
With current technology, hybrid vehicles are viable but electric isn't. There are numerous Tesla's around here but I rarely see them in cold weather and never in nasty winter weather.
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Cold weather reduces range and if you run the heat or air, it reduces it even more. Heat on a gas or hybrid vehicle is waste anyway and the air just uses a little more fuel. All the car companies are talking pure electric to make investors happy, I doubt the time line they say will actually happen. Furd is even building an electric SUV called the Mustang while the regular Mustang is in production. This is what happens when Bankers and Politicians are involved and not engineers.