Elon taking over Twitter??


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
Oh really. We are still in the "Trump economy". Are you effing kidding me. The economy is effected by the oil pipeline shutdowns and the jobs lost because of that. Also effected by the pandemic shutdowns that Trump was against. Effected by a doddering dolt of a President that is tearing this nation apart by being weak and letting other world leaders run roughshod while we run with our tails between our legs. There is ABSOLUTELY no respect for the office of the President coming from this veteran and if you like the price at the fuel pumps, make sure that when they come down, you pay for the next person in line at the pump so you can get that "feel good" feeling. Why don't you go down to the border and help hand out new cell phones and food stamps and living vouchers to the new US citizens that ass wipe is letting cross the border. Another feel good feeling that should make your day. Those new higher taxes that we are paying to support the additional medical coverage and all the freebies and social security disability funds should also get you all fluttery inside.

There is an 18 to 24 month lag between an administration change and economic change due to policy changes. It has historically been like this since the 1840's, when we were finally getting a robust economy that wasn't dependent on foreign currency. Like pieces of 8. (Spanish Rial) Yes, there have been exceptions. Hoover got hammered because of the stock market crash of 1929 and resulting depression. Roosevelt got a boost from Defense spending in the late 30's leading up to ad then the prosecution of the Second World War.

Don't be fooled by what you hear. It's often people who are profiting by keeping you riled up. Rush Limbaugh was honest about it. He once said in an interview that "He said what he said so he could charge Usurious advertising rates."

Do not assume I'm Liberal. I am not. I'm an old time Conservative. Not a Neo-Conservative that goes for profit only and could be considered Facist. I regret ever thinking of voting for Trump, much less actually actually voting for and working to elect a draft dodger who detested the military. He called John McLean a loser because he served in the military, was shot down and injured and was a POW for years. When Green Berets were killed in a fire fight, as Commander In Chief he told their widows "They knew what they were getting into".

I passed off him not releasing his taxes like every candidate in the last 100+ years. He said he would release them after the audit was done. It's been nearly 9 years since he said that. What's he hiding?

MO VietVet

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2021
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What he is hiding is number 1, a choice and his taxes would be different because he is a businessman and sharing those taxes could cost him money and ability to do his business or his companies and families ability to do their business. McLean shared info with the enemy. His other fellow pilots shared that to the masses. I would never agree with him being a draft dodger but if that was what makes him a non patriot, then so are many others and the least of my worries. Did Biden serve? Hunter did and then put other lives in danger because of his drug use. I will take a draft dodger and a business man and Trump's economy and job numbers and other world leaders staying away from us, over any politician. I loved his mean tweets when I pulled in for fuel. How did he detest the military? What about what Obama and his goofy wife said about the same thing, "military doesn't deserve medical coverage as it is because they volunteered for the duty". Then the way Biden treated the fallen 13 military dead and their families. Clinton was a draft dodger as well. Killary killed people and said, "What difference does it make?" She is without a doubt a capital C . . .!


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
When you enter public life, whether as a political candidate, or you seek out celebrity, you have NO expectation of privacy. Period. This is settled law. Long before he ran for President, he looked for attention in the public eye.

If you look around, you'll find pictures of him hanging out with the Clintons, partying at Studio 54, and of course his TV program "The Apprentice".


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Oct 13, 2021
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conroe tx.
There is an 18 to 24 month lag between an administration change and economic change due to policy changes. It has historically been like this since the 1840's, when we were finally getting a robust economy that wasn't dependent on foreign currency. Like pieces of 8. (Spanish Rial) Yes, there have been exceptions. Hoover got hammered because of the stock market crash of 1929 and resulting depression. Roosevelt got a boost from Defense spending in the late 30's leading up to ad then the prosecution of the Second World War.

Don't be fooled by what you hear. It's often people who are profiting by keeping you riled up. Rush Limbaugh was honest about it. He once said in an interview that "He said what he said so he could charge Usurious advertising rates."

Do not assume I'm Liberal. I am not. I'm an old time Conservative. Not a Neo-Conservative that goes for profit only and could be considered Facist. I regret ever thinking of voting for Trump, much less actually actually voting for and working to elect a draft dodger who detested the military. He called John McLean a loser because he served in the military, was shot down and injured and was a POW for years. When Green Berets were killed in a fire fight, as Commander In Chief he told their widows "They knew what they were getting into".

I passed off him not releasing his taxes like every candidate in the last 100+ years. He said he would release them after the audit was done. It's been nearly 9 years since he said that. What's he hiding?
I would say normally I would agree with you that there is 12 to 18 month lag, but Biden came in and signed a record amount of executive orders within the first month, so this is not normal circumstances. He also shut down the keystone pipeline which was a very big deal for the whole North America. I love that Trump was not a political figure prior to becoming president it’s black and white with him and I can relate and appreciate that. You do you know what you’re going to get in there’s no hidden agenda. He did not even take a salary for the 4 years he was in office. Did he get everything right no. Now was he trying to keep the trade deficit in order to make America stand on its own and not rely on other countries, yes! Did he strive to protect our borders and the American citizens that were here give them the ability to thrive without deluding our workforce with more people, yes! Was he protecting the border to make it harder for the drug cartel, yes! Did he go after big tech for their one-sided agenda, yes! And the long list goes on!!

Who do you think you’re kidding getting on here and trying to convince us that Biden is doing a good job and that if Trump was president the USA would be in the same boat?? Get out of here with that nonsense. Move that garbage to the Tesla forum.

Though I wanted Ted Cruise I realize we voted in the better candidate. And I would vote him in again!!


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2022
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Some seem to expect a level of perfection from Trump that they could never reach themselves. He’s been in the public eye for 50 years! Given the amount of scrutiny he has been under since running for office, I’m actually shocked how clean he is. Media, politicians, and the justice department have looked under literally every rock and are still looking.

Just imagine if they put 1/10th the effort into the Hunter laptop and other scandals JB has been implicated in. Since he’s actually in office right now, maybe that should be a higher priority than Trump’s tax returns.

MO VietVet

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2021
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Some seem to expect a level of perfection from Trump that they could never reach themselves. He’s been in the public eye for 50 years! Given the amount of scrutiny he has been under since running for office, I’m actually shocked how clean he is. Media, politicians, and the justice department have looked under literally every rock and are still looking.

Just imagine if they put 1/10th the effort into the Hunter laptop and other scandals JB has been implicated in. Since he’s actually in office right now, maybe that should be a higher priority than Trump’s tax returns.
Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!!

Cannot say it better.

I belong to the American Legion and any member that voted for Biden, and they have that right to do so, I ask all the time to name one thing Biden has done to better America and they cannot say even one! I then talk right at them and call them TRTAITORS! No fights yet but am prepared if need be.

If a member here can name one legitimate thing he or horseface has done to better America, name it or shut the hell up.


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
Who do you think you’re kidding getting on here and trying to convince us that Biden is doing a good job and that if Trump was president the USA would be in the same boat?? Get out of here with that nonsense. Move that garbage to the Tesla forum.

I have said before and will repeat it again. I am an American. Regardless of what I think of the person in the office, I support the OFFICE of President of the United States. Even though I was disappointed with him, I supported Trump when he was in office. I support Biden, even though I have misgivings about him, especially his age, as long as he is in the office of President.

Donald Trump did some things I approved of. Biden has done some things I don't approve of. It doesn't matter, the President is the President. There can be no other way of looking at it.

If you mean Hilary, when you say horseface, she is the main reason I worked to elect Trump. On the other hand, when her husband was in office, he did improve our economy to the strongest it's been since the late 1940's. I thought he was a reprehensible individual, but the U.S.A. had a surplus, rather than a deficit when he left office. The surplus disappeared by 2003 and the deficit steadily increased until 2018 when it bounced well over a Trillion dollars.


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Oct 13, 2021
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conroe tx.
I hear you about respecting the office. I’m not one to bash the President… I give props if they deserve it. And your right about Bill, he did pay back against the deficit, but what about that 18-24 month rule? Was that Bush sr? . I always wondered how Bill compared to Bush jr if 911 happened on his watch??


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
I hear you about respecting the office. I’m not one to bash the President… I give props if they deserve it. And your right about Bill, he did pay back against the deficit, but what about that 18-24 month rule? Was that Bush sr? . I always wondered how Bill compared to Bush jr if 911 happened on his watch??

18-24 month lags in the economy is a historical trend. It's not a rule. Prior to around 1840, the United States didn't have much of a currency system. As much foreign currency was in use as American. The Whig part defeated the Democrats that year. When Harrison won. Van Buren was hammered by the economic panic of 1837. Harrison was at odds with his Vice President Tyler who was pushing for a stronger economy to avoid the depression of 3 years before. Harrison liked to talk and talked so long at his inauguration he caught pneumonia and died after about a month in office. That's when Tyler took over. Tyler is the reason Texas is a state as well as getting our basic economy started although he resisted a National Bank.


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Nov 14, 2021
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United States
I saw today that he procured the funds. Don’t know a whole lot about hostile takeovers/poison pills, but isn’t the original offer basically rejected at this point?


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
I saw today that he procured the funds. Don’t know a whole lot about hostile takeovers/poison pills, but isn’t the original offer basically rejected at this point?

Well, yes and no. The SEC has rules that investors have to follow. This is a play to get around the rules. That's why it's called a "Hostile" take over. A lot of money is going to lawyers and the small investors, such as your 401K fund manager is getting it in the shorts.

Do it right, and you can take over a company, loot the funds, sell it off at a low price, buy it back under a different corporation, and make a profit again. Done right, it's all legal.


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
it's looking like Twitter might be accepting his offer now.

The old saying still goes. "Money talks, B.S. walks". I just worry that people I know that thought he was evil, are not rooting for him because of the possibility of him doing what they agree with.

It's not his money. It's investors money.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
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United States
I don’t use the shit platform, but it will be interesting to see what he does. Hope the 44 billion was worth it for him.


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Oct 5, 2021
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I don’t use the shit platform, but it will be interesting to see what he does. Hope the 44 billion was worth it for him.
lol. I don’t either. Hope it’s all for the right reasons

Mopar Muscle

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Nov 18, 2021
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Extreme Southern Ontario, Canada
If Musk had his way say goodbye to truck driving or any other form as it will be all autonomous. As for our love of the combustion engines that will be gone soon too as he is pushing his ev agenda hard to the left. Musk is for Musk as he isn't the richest person in the world by caring about other people except for how to get their money.


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Jan 27, 2022
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I don’t go on it. But in my view Musk cannot possibly make it worse than it’s been. At least since Covid and the last election. The amount of demonstrably true facts and news stories they have squashed is despicable.


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Oct 13, 2021
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S.W. Indiana
If it's a private company like he wants it to be there are no board members to answer to or be held accountable for his actions.

There will be board members. A large company has to have a board just to function.The SEC will have very little to do with the company after it goes private. There is still some oversight, but without private investors, the laws are quite different.

I've never seen the point in Twitter. I'm not sure when gossip became news. I'll be watching the news, and they will talk about two people I've never heard of engaged in a Twitter fight.

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